1. Community Events and Gatherings
Our community gatherings and events are places for community members to engage in dialogue around issues and topics that most impact our community and the surrounding areas. These events are typically panel discussions, screenings, book talks that push us to understand the impacts of racism on our community, students, and society at large.
2. Educator Professional Development
Our professional development opportunities are like no other in our area. We make it a point to partner with other organizations, professionals, and community members who are dedicated to providing quality anti-racist, anti-oppression social justice professional development opportunities to help teachers, administrators, and all school staff create learning environments committed to justice.
3. Youth Development& Organizing
Students who are part of our programs are engaged in ways that gives them a sense of their power.
4. Teacher Organizing
MapSO Freedom School also provides a space for educators to come together to build, learn, study, and be in fellowship with each other.